In the world of digital advertising, testing and optimizing often make the difference between a good strategy and a great one. A/B testing gives you information based on data that you can use to improve your messages, placements, target groups, creatives, and other things to get better results.

Using an organized testing method may sound like a difficult task. But with the right method and tools, A/B testing can be easy and accessible for organizations of any size.

In this guide, we’ll explain the basics of A/B testing and show you how to use tried-and-true tools to improve the performance of your ads through ongoing tests. Let’s try things out!

How does A/B Testing work?

A/B testing, also called “split testing,” is a controlled experiment in which two different versions (A and B) of an ad piece are shown to two different groups of users. Their success is measured to see which version leads to more of the results we want.

Some common types of A/B tests are:

– Ad copy: trying out different combos of headlines and descriptions

– Landing pages: comparing the styles of different pages

– Visual materials, like pictures, videos, and GIFs

– Calls to action (CTAs): looking at the text and colours of buttons

Placements: trying out different sites, apps, and places

– “Targeting” means to narrow or widen target segments

The goal is to find out which choice makes users more interested and likely to buy so that it can be used more widely.

Why Should You A/B Test Your Ads?

Here are four important reasons why you should use A/B testing in your ad campaigns:

1. Make decisions based on facts.

Instead of guessing, A/B testing shows with hard data which creative, audience, placement, or other part works best.

2. Keep getting better at what you do.

Small improvements from testing over time add up to big speed boosts over time.

3. Figure out problems early on

By testing new efforts on a smaller scale first, problems can be found and fixed before the full launch.

4. Budgets should make sense.

When interest and conversions go up in a way that can be directly measured, it proves that the money spent on ads was worth it and can help get more money for ads.

In short, testing gives you the information you need to make better improvement decisions and get the most out of your ad spend.

The Best Ways to Do A/B Testing

Make sure your tests are set up for success by following these rules:

Set a goal for the conversion

Choose what you want to improve: page views, clicks, signups, sales, etc. This makes the test clear.

Separate the test variables

Limit each test to just one thing, like the text or the colour of a button, so you can figure out exactly what changed the results.

Choose the right audience

Test on your target groups that are most likely to reach the goal you set for conversion.

Drive the Right Amount of Traffic

Make sure that each choice has enough conversions for statistically significant data, at least 100+ per option.

Set the right length of time

Run tests long enough to even out regular changes in data, which is usually at least a week.

Don’t let other things get in the way

Limit other factors so you can focus on the effect of the thing being tried.

If you follow best practices, your test results will be correct and useful.

Tools to Make A/B Testing Easy

To do tests by hand on a regular basis would take a lot of work. There are powerful tools that can make the process easier:

Optimize Google

Optimize is a free testing tool from Google that works closely with Google Ads. It lets you set up and compare different landing page versions quickly.

The manager of Facebook ads

Facebook has built-in A/B testing features that make it easy to test ad copy, placements, groups, and creative.


Adzooma lets you test Google, Facebook, and Microsoft ads in a complex way and gives you detailed reports.

Stop jumping

Unbounce has an AI-powered visual editor that makes it easy to build and test landing pages that sell well.


Optimizely lets you do A/B testing on your whole digital experience, not just on landing pages.

Check out reviews to find the right option for your testing needs, budget, and platform.

Testing copy and messaging for a campaign

Advertising copy and messaging is one of the best things to try. The success of a campaign can be greatly improved by writing copy that works.

When you A/B test ad copy, keep these things in mind:

Draft more than one version.

Make 3 or more different titles and descriptions to compare.

Change the Key Elements

Try putting your key benefits, USP, offer, CTA, etc., together in different ways.

Test the length of an ad

Try out different lengths of your copy to find the best balance and effect.

Use triggers of emotion.

Try appealing to different feelings, like hope, fear, or trust.

Customize based on your goals

Change your copy depending on whether the search is for a name or not.

Check how well each segment is doing.

Look at how well the copy works by location, type of person, placement, etc.

Repeat based on what you’ve learned.

Use what you’ve learned to make new versions and keep getting better.

You can get much better marketing results if you keep tweaking your messages.

Looking at test results and how they were used

Once you finish an A/B test, it’s important to look at the data and use the best version:

Statistical Significance – Make sure that changes are statistically significant and not just random.

Review a number of metrics. Look at more than just the rate of conversion. Metrics like the cost per conversion are also important.

Check Segment Performance – Look at the data for each user segment to see if performance is very different for some of them.

Roll Out Gradually: Introduce the winning variation to a larger portion of traffic in stages while keeping an eye on the results to make sure they keep getting better.

Iterate and Retest: Use what you’ve learned to come up with new ideas and test more versions of your best worker.

Automate Monitoring – After start, use scripts or analytics to keep an eye on how things are going.

The speed gains will be at their highest if the testing and rollout are done right.

Get results by testing all the time

With the methods and tools described here, you have no reason not to use A/B testing regularly in your advertising. The more you test, the more you can improve your messaging, placements, creativity, audiences, and other factors.

Over time, the small changes from each round of testing add up to big gains in performance. Plus, you learn useful things that can be used in all the other projects you run.

If you stick to a regular testing schedule, your engagement, conversions, and return on investment (ROI) will keep going up across all of your digital ads. The numbers don’t lie, so test today!

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